‘Knockout’ was shot in the Times Square subway station. I liked the juxtaposition of the boxer knocked out on a video monitor right next to the poster of the lively musicians.
I saw this on Madison Avenue and was struck by the black grid on the face from the window frames and the window reflections. When isolated by the camera I think it becomes very powerful.
5th Annual Black & White Spider Awards
My abstract photograph ‘Black Swan’ received the Honor of Distinction from the Spider Awards, the international award for black and white photography.
Shot at Tad’s Steak in Times Square. I was initially attracted by the red and white, especially the balloons and the trays. The lady with the provocative expression really adds some mystery. The reflection of the white car doesn’t hurt either.
Graphis Photography Award
I’m very proud to announce that I’ve won a gold award in the Graphis Photography Annual for 2010. World Famous *Bob* is taken from a series of my Neo-Burlesque portraits.
Photography Masters Cup
‘Texas Cop’ was honored in the third Photography Masters Cup, an international award for color photography. I found him at a fast food joint while on a Texas road trip. He was a pretty intimidating character but I mustered up the courage to ask him if I could take his portrait. To my surprise he said yes.
International Aperture Awards
The International Aperture Awards are “the world’s most prestigious international online photography competition” so I am pleased that 3 of my Neo-Burlesque images won bronze.
‘Thursday’ was shot into a puddle in Times Square. Although shot in color it looks almost like a black and white image with just the colorful neon building. I especially like the two shadowy silhouette-like figures.
Double Exposure
‘Black Swan’ is a popular image. It was given an Honorable Mention for Straight Photography (un-manipulated) by Double Exposure in their Digital Imaging Competition.
x.to Image Awards 2009
My Neo-Burlesque project won a 2009 x.to Nude Image Award in the Body Art category and was shown at Farmani Gallery. Victoria Privates is just one from my series.