
New York City Wall Art


© Leland Bobbé

It’s been a while since I posted one of these. I found this on Broadway at 27th Street. It was so perfect I had to touch it to make sure that those were real tears. they were . . .


NYC Wall Art

© Leland Bobbé

© Leland Bobbé


From my NYC Wall Art Series. A bit of Beethoven.


© Leland Bobbé

© Leland Bobbé

The homeless situation in NYC shows no signs of abating. This was shot on the subway platform at 28th Street and Broadway on my iPhone and proceed using Snapseed.

On The Subway


© Leland Bobbé

© Leland Bobbé

Another day on the NYC subway’s. Never a dull moment if you keep your eyes open.

On The Subway


© Leland Bobbé

© Leland Bobbé

Another interesting observation on the NYC subways. Captured on my iPhone and processed with Snapseed. I’d love to know what’s on that kid’s mind . . .

On The Subway

© Leland Bobbé

© Leland Bobbé

This is the latest in my new series On The Subway. I love those off beat, strange and random expressions. Shot on m y iPhone and processed using Snapseed.

OneEyeland Award-New York City Wall Art

© Leland Bobbé

© Leland Bobbé

I just received my second award in the 2015 OneEyland Awards in the category specialty cameras.  All of the photos in my Wall Art series were shot using my iPhone.


Early iPhone Photo

© Leland Bobbé

© Leland Bobbe

I was going back through all of my iPhone shots the other day and found this that I had totally forgotten about. This is one of the very first shots that I ever took on an iPhone. I just happen to catch this at the right moment. I love the light and love the mood.