Black Swan ©Leland Bobbé
aPhotoEditor just ran an interview with me about my early work on their blog. Questions about how i went about creating this work and what I’m doing currently.
Black Swan ©Leland Bobbé
aPhotoEditor just ran an interview with me about my early work on their blog. Questions about how i went about creating this work and what I’m doing currently.
© Leland Bobbé
Shot during the Covid-19 Pandemic in New York City
© Leland Bobbé
I stood in the same spot for about 40 minutes focused on this background waiting for people too walk by. On a normal day there would have been too many people but during the lockdown in NYC there were so few people on the streets. I set my camera on high speed continues and when an interesting person walked by I was able to bang off at least 5-6 shots. This woman was by far my favorite.
© Leland Bobbé
I haven’t posted anything here since the Corona Virus lockdown, I’ve been working on a series of black and white street photography of single people wearing masks in otherwise empty environments. This is my most recent. I’ll keep posting these here.
© Leland Bobbé
Tonight I’l be attending a private opening at the Museum of the City of New york titled “Collecting New York Stories: Stuyvesant to Sid Vicious”drawn from hundreds of additions to the museum’s permanent collection over the past few years.Two of my photographs will be included. Show is up through the end of the year.
© Leland Bobbé
It’s been a while since I posted one of these. I found this on Broadway at 27th Street. It was so perfect I had to touch it to make sure that those were real tears. they were . . .
© Leland Bobbé
My image titles Billy’s Empire State was just awarded in the International Color Awards in the silhouette category.
©Leland Bobbé
American Photography’s ProPhotoDaily featured my Hardhats NYC project in yesterday’s newsletter. it included links to my website and a link to the recent article about the project in CreativeBoom. Making the invisible visible.
© Leland Bobbé
I just licensed these 2 images for inclusion in a feature film based on the James Baldwin novel “If Beale Street Could Talk”, about a couple in Harlem in the 1970’s in NYC. The film’s director is Barry Jenkins who Directed Best Picture winner Moonlight. It will be premiered at the next NY Film Festival.
© Leland Bobbé
I shot this on my iPhone on the streets on NYC. One of the reasons I love street photography is that if you keep your eyes open you can capture moments such as this. When i came upon this I was struck by the billboard of the sandwich eater and the orange and yellow of the newspaper dispensers. I knew that if I framed it up in an interesting way and just waited i would get people walking by. It all happens so fast that I’m never really sure off what I’ve captured until I actually look at the photos. It’s the randomness and spontaneity of street photography that makes it so exciting to me. I lucked out with this woman glancing at the poster. I think that it really ties the whole image together.